Synthesizing & Analyzing


  • Dovetail - 29.7% of question respondents
  • Zoom - 11.88%
  • Condens - 11.88%
  • - 9.9%
  • Rev - 7.92%
  • Microsoft Teams - 7.92%
  • UserTesting - 7.92%
  • UserZoom - 4.95%
  • Lookback - 3.96%
  • EnjoyHQ - 2.97%
  • Miro - 2.97%
Data below 2% are not shown. 49.27% of participants answered this question.

Text Tagging

  • Dovetail - 39.02% of question respondents
  • Condens - 17.07%
  • Miro - 9.75%
  • EnjoyHQ - 6.09%
  • UserTesting - 6.09%
  • Microsoft Excel - 6.09%
  • Airtable - 6.09%
  • Google Sheets - 3.65%
  • dscout - 2.43%
  • Optimal Workshop - 2.43%
  • UserZoom - 2.43%
  • - 2.43%
  • Lookback - 2.43%
  • Notion - 2.43%
Data below 2% are not shown. 40% of participants answered this question.

Note Taking

  • Google Docs - 20.56% of question respondents
  • Microsoft Word - 15.88%
  • Dovetail - 12.14%
  • Miro - 11.21%
  • Google Sheets - 10.28%
  • Condens - 10.28%
  • Microsoft Excel - 7.47%
  • Pen & paper - 6.54%
  • Confluence - 5.6%
  • Lookback - 4.67%
  • UserZoom - 3.73%
  • Microsoft OneNote - 3.73%
  • Notion - 3.73%
  • Google Workspace - 3.73%
  • Mural - 2.8%
  • Notes (Mac) - 2.8%
  • Slack - 2.8%
Data below 2% are not shown. 52.2% of participants answered this question.

Session Recording

  • Zoom - 40.95% of question respondents
  • Microsoft Teams - 18.09%
  • UserTesting - 15.23%
  • Google Meet - 11.42%
  • WebEx - 7.61%
  • UserZoom - 6.66%
  • Recording device - 4.76%
  • Hotjar - 3.8%
  • zoom - 3.8%
  • Dovetail - 3.8%
  • Lookback - 3.8%
  • QuickTime - 2.85%
Data below 2% are not shown. 51.22% of participants answered this question.

Video Editing

  • iMovie - 20.73% of question respondents
  • Dovetail - 17.07%
  • UserTesting - 13.41%
  • Condens - 12.19%
  • QuickTime - 10.97%
  • UserZoom - 6.09%
  • Lookback - 4.87%
  • Adobe Premiere - 3.65%
  • Adobe Premiere Pro - 3.65%
  • Zoom - 3.65%
  • Loom - 3.65%
  • Descript - 3.65%
  • OBS - 2.43%
  • Adobe CC - 2.43%
  • Adobe After Effects - 2.43%
  • Reduct - 2.43%
Data below 2% are not shown. 40% of participants answered this question.