Reporting & Sharing

Sharing findings

  • Google Slides - 31.66% of question respondents
  • Microsoft Powerpoint - 24.16%
  • Slack - 17.5%
  • Confluence - 15%
  • Dovetail - 13.33%
  • Google Docs - 9.16%
  • Miro - 9.16%
  • Condens - 9.16%
  • Notion - 7.5%
  • Figma - 5.83%
  • Airtable - 5%
  • Microsoft Word - 4.16%
  • KeyNote - 3.33%
  • EnjoyHQ - 3.33%
  • Microsoft Sharepoint - 3.33%
  • Email - 3.33%
  • Microsoft Teams - 3.33%
  • - 2.5%
Data below 2% are not shown. 58.54% of participants answered this question.

Infographics & data visualization

  • Google Sheets - 22.72% of question respondents
  • Miro - 19.31%
  • Figma - 18.18%
  • Microsoft Powerpoint - 15.9%
  • Google Slides - 11.36%
  • Microsoft Excel - 11.36%
  • Tableau - 6.81%
  • Condens - 5.68%
  • Airtable - 5.68%
  • Dovetail - 5.68%
  • Mural - 4.54%
  • Adobe Illustrator - 3.4%
  • Looker - 3.4%
  • RStudio - 2.27%
  • Google Docs - 2.27%
  • Sketch - 2.27%
  • Google Workspace - 2.27%
  • Qualtrics - 2.27%
Data below 2% are not shown. 42.93% of participants answered this question.

Storytelling & presentations

  • Google Slides - 45.19% of question respondents
  • Microsoft Powerpoint - 32.69%
  • Miro - 13.46%
  • Figma - 7.69%
  • Condens - 7.69%
  • Dovetail - 6.73%
  • Google Docs - 5.76%
  • KeyNote - 4.8%
  • Google Sheets - 3.84%
  • EnjoyHQ - 2.88%
  • Loom - 2.88%
Data below 2% are not shown. 50.73% of participants answered this question.

Research repositories

  • Dovetail - 18.01% of question respondents
  • Confluence - 16.21%
  • Condens - 15.31%
  • Google Drive - 14.41%
  • Microsoft Sharepoint - 11.71%
  • Airtable - 9%
  • Notion - 9%
  • Google Sheets - 5.4%
  • EnjoyHQ - 4.5%
  • Google Docs - 3.6%
  • Microsoft OneDrive - 3.6%
Data below 2% are not shown. 54.15% of participants answered this question.

Insights repositories

  • Dovetail - 22.68% of question respondents
  • Condens - 15.46%
  • Confluence - 14.43%
  • Airtable - 14.43%
  • Microsoft Sharepoint - 9.27%
  • Google Drive - 8.24%
  • Notion - 7.21%
  • - 5.15%
  • EnjoyHQ - 4.12%
  • Google Sheets - 3.09%
  • Google Docs - 2.06%
  • Microsoft OneDrive - 2.06%
  • Bloomfire - 2.06%
Data below 2% are not shown. 47.32% of participants answered this question.